Elgin Middlesex Soccer Association selects E2E Soccer for their ID Card management
London ON, Friday 17th February 2017
The Elgin Middlesex Soccer Association (EMSA) has selected E2E Soccer to provide an online ID card solution for their players and coaches
The plastic ID cards will replace the paper player books that have been used in the district for over 20 years with the new solution EMSA clubs will be able to upload registration data and player photographs to the EMSA management system. EMSA will then be able to generate the plastic ID cards.
The new solution offers improved services to the clubs and players as well as major administration efficiencies for both clubs and the EMSA staff.
""Replacing paper player books with plastic ID cards give us an opportunity to significantly improve services to our members" said John Dutot , EMSA President . "Having worked with E2E Soccer for many years we are confident that they can provide us with a robust and reliable system for generating the plastic cards"
E2E Soccer has worked in the EMSA district since 2004 and they are currently supplying the district with a centralized referee assignment system and a discipline management system.
"This is an exciting opportunity for us to demonstrate the breadth of our end to end IT solutions to the soccer community" said Tim Baigent, CEO of E2E Soccer "We are delighted to expand our role within the EMSA district"
EMSA became the third district in Ontario to replace the paper player books with plastic ID cards from E2E Soccer. The Eastern Ontario and York Region districts have between them generated over 30,000 plastic ID cards with their solutions
To access the EMSA management ID card system, please click here
